ultrafine – smooth and dense PVD arc coatings from eifeler

ultrafine is our label for a line of coatings, which offers the deciding benefit, if smooth and hard PVD arc coatings with a very good adhesion are needed .

Smooth is easy! But smooth, well adhesive, hard and economical? This is a challenge.
Our ultrafine is the solution. ultrafine describes our special PVD arc deposition technology, leading to outstanding coating properties by an innovative control mechanisme of the process gases.

Several serial applications are already established for: TiN-ultrafine, TiCN-ultrafine. SISTRAL®-ultrafine will shortly follow.

These smooth and defect poor coatings are characterised by a very good adhesion and a high hardness. This gives a benefit for applications like e.g.: cutting, micro cutting, surgical instruments and plastic moulding.

ultrafine: smooth and brilliant PVD arc coatings – even without post finish operations.


  • Cutting
  • Micro cutting
  • Plastic moulding
  • Medical components

Technical application support
T: +49 211 97076-0
F: +49 211 97076-955

Technical application support
T: +49 7243 5778-0
F: +49 7243 5778-20

Technical application support
T: +49 9153 9227-0
F: +49 9153 9227-65

Technical application support
T: +49 5341 2232-0
F: +49 5341 2232-14